Book A Tour
A tour can be booked in advance to ensure a safe and special appointment for your family to visit the classrooms and ask questions that you might have. Look for our love of plants! Can you see our work in literacies? Do you see the children’s research in their work? Ask to see pieces of our exhibit so we can show how children theories are built within the group. Above all, Discovery Preschool cherishes family and we welcome you into our school wholeheartedly!
Beckenridge Discovery Preschool
4813 14th Avenue
Markham ON. L3S 3K7
Ph 905.944.9200
Supervisor: Allison Barrow R.ECE
Heritage Discovery Preschool
120 – 5970 16th Avenue
Markham ON L3P 7R1
Ph 905.201.0185
Supervisor: Nikita Thakkar R.ECE
Discovery on 7 Preschool
6605 Highway 7 E
Markham ON L3P 3B4
Ph 905.471.6260
Office Manager: Lea-Anne Mohamid
Supervisor: Sandy Shields R.ECE
100 Carlton Road,
Unionville, ON L3R 1Z9
Ph. 905.477.8377
Supervisor: Mary Bungaro R.ECE