Parent Handbook Sections
The Discovery Preschools are privately owned centres that offer families exceptional educational child care for children ages 2 months up to 5 years. We are licensed by the Ministry of Education: Early Years Division and respectfully uphold excellent records by all Ministry bodies including Public Health, and Fire.
We have 4 locations in the Markham, ON area:
Beckenridge Discovery Preschool
4813 14th Avenue,
Markham, ON.
L3S 3K7 PH
905.944.9200 Est, 2002
Heritage Discovery Preschool
5960 16th Avenue,
Markham ON
L3P 7R1 PH
905.201.0185 Est, 2003
Discovery Preschool
on 7
6605 Highway 7
Markham, ON
L3P 3B4 PH
905.471.6260 Est, 2011
Unionville Discovery Preschool
100 Carlton Road,
Unionville, ON
L3R 1Z9
PH 905.477.8377 Est, 2015
Book revised: June 17, 2017. CCEYA Guidelines
The schools provide the following programs:
- Infants: Ages 2 months to 18 month
- Toddlers: Ages 18 months to 2 1/2 years
- Preschool: Ages 2 1/2 to 4 years
- Nursery School: Ages 2 1/2 to 4 years (if available)
Mission Statement
To provide exceptional early education programs for families in the community. Our focus creates supportive environments that:
- encourage children to take part in their own learning
- challenge curiosity with educational tools
- reflect the people who use the schools.
Program Statement
The Discovery Preschools are private Centre’s that offer families exceptional educational child care, without discrimination, for children ages 2 months and up to 5 years.
Discovery Preschools support a challenging environment that intrigues a child’s natural intuitive curiosity. It is a unique childcare experience that families will be proud to be apart of. We acknowledge the incredible work of the children, parents and teachers in Reggio Emilia, Italy. Their approach to childcare has inspired many educators from around the world to visit these schools and welcome many aspects of this approach into our North American culture and communities. Our schools also reflect the new Pedagogy in Ontario for the Early Years.
How Does Learning Happen? Is the Ministry of Education’s formal document which organizes experiences and curriculum into four foundational conditions that are important for children to grow and flourish: Belonging, Well-Being, Engagement, and Expression. These foundations are governed by the Child Care and Early Years Act, and therefore, part of our yearly licensing review. Our Program Statement is our guiding research and interpretation that we have embraced a seamless philosophy supporting our years of personal research of world-renown educational ideas and provincial pedagogy.
The Discovery Preschools are beautiful, esthetically designed spaces. Each interior is accessible to all people and promotes the self-help skills of young children. Each space is filled with natural light promoting the opportunity of transparency to our surrounding community.
What you will notice:
- The school uses safe but challenging materials for investigation
- The building has a security door access code for family access
- Cloak areas close to or in the classroom
- Low sinks, bathrooms connected to the
Our schools proudly serve a hot nutritional lunch each day as well as a morning and afternoon snack. All meals are prepared at Beckenridge Discovery Preschool or Mother’s Deli to maintain high quality and delicious selections. The cultural diversity of the community is reflected in the meals as well as vegetarian and allergy safe selections within our resources. Our Nut Safe Policy restricts food being brought to the school. Please see the office when bringing food to the school for means of a birthday celebration or holiday.
What you will notice:
- Our menus include recommended daily servings from the Canada’s Food Guide
- Water is available throughout the day
- Our menu is based on a 3-week rotation to serve what children like to eat in very healthy ways
- Children set the tables with teachers, have open snack times and are encouraged to serve themselves and their friends
- Snacks include at least 2 food groups and our lunches always have 4 food groups each
Our Inspiration for Outstanding Curriculum
Our school reflects a strong image of the child and we encourage them to be constructors of their own meaningful experience within the school. They are expert thinkers and intuitive problem solvers. We are challenged by their curiosity and engage them to be co-participants in the daily life of the school. These values contribute to the formation of creativity, intelligence and awareness in children.
You will notice:
- Our teachers are ready to participate in constructive strategies, to scaffold learning and pose new questions to sustain the energy of an idea
- That children are respected for being resourceful and competent with great potential
- That teachers offer materials that we feel will build incredible experiences and support independence, self- regulation an
An emergent curriculum engages children and teachers in observations, to hypothesize and predict, to develop a dialogue of thought provoking questions, to document events, and to celebrate the joys of learning. The child’s voice and ideas are to be encouraged as it is the basis of the curriculum. Careful choices are made to select projects for research and study. Children enjoy a curriculum that is meaningful to immediate experiences.
Your child will experience:
- Joy filled curriculum that connects cognitive processes with imagination
- Our teacher’s co-construct the children’s concepts to provide an organizational framework for exploring methodically
- Incredible modeling for education holistically as we research ideas that have endless connections, literacy, math, science, building, etc.
The process of the groups work is of extreme importance and much of the learning comes from making connections and retracing steps than from the final product itself. The process of documentation makes the learning visible. It is an invaluable contribution by the children and teachers that depicts the emotional and intellectual value of the curriculum. It has the potential to involve the viewer into this dialogue to create a community of learners: the child, teacher and parent. The work documented not only enhances teaching, but it also transforms it into a valuable history that frames the school.
How does this happen?
- Our Observation Sheets illustrate how the teacher has connected the children’s ideas to the curriculum: everyone can revisit the construction and reconstruction of the event, ideas and theories
- Informal journals and panels show the children’s competence and connection to immediate and abstract ideas
- The work of the child is celebrated with a group and individually create a community of learners: the child, teacher and
The curriculum depends on the continuity of time and the flexibility to avoid unnecessary transitions that may interrupt work and discovery. Washroom breaks will be guided by the children’s natural flow of time and as needed. Indoor and outdoor curriculum learning will be based on the flow of the day.
You will notice:
- Certain appointments in the day that must be kept are snack, Meeting time, lunch, and rest
- We may keep working with a group of children and switch outdoor schedule with another class
- We respect that individual learning takes time, practice and support
The environment plays a very important part of a person’s day and sends non-verbal messages of how to react in that space. Our environment creates the concept of a third teacher. The importance of our work, respect for all people, self-accomplishment and pride, the promotion of teamwork are planned for in the workspaces designed. Many materials will be made available to the children to encourage new skills and refinement of skills previously acquired.
Our environment supports:
- Children find joy in using space that is organized and respected
- Useful work tools to sustain the cognitive processes for constructing and research
- Materials that offer independence and negotiation for children and teachers
- A balance for an ongoing challenge of experience and
Mutual respect and admiration builds strong relationships and fosters co-participation between peers, teachers and parents. The dynamics of negotiation and cognitive coordination enrich children’s ideas and concepts of the world around them. This relationship context is what children and families desire in order for connections of the school experience to be stronger and continuous.
We connect with children to:
- Work in small Working together in this way encourages familiarity and support based on interactions and discussion.
- Support a child’s ability to self-regulate and interact with others in positive
- Have a meeting to revisit the work accomplished in the day and plan for next
Your family has the right to be involved in your experience at the school. You have the opportunity of involvement in many creative ways. We respect that you are experts on your children. We value that you bring diverse social, cultural, and linguistic perspectives to our school. Please feel free to bring in recycled materials, offer to help out in the garden, or to provide a service to the school by means of your profession and hobbies. The more resources that the school can draw from, the richer the children’s experience can be.
Your family will enjoy:
- Our family meetings as they encourage parents to come and be a part of a project projection and activity enhancement
- Collecting materials as a way to bridge home and school relationships
- A phone call when your child has information to be shared
- Communication that is valued and shared each week via Shutterfly with our This is an incredible resource in the life of our school.
The Educators are competent and capable, curious, and rich in experience. They are knowledgeable, caring, reflective, and resourceful professionals. They bring diverse social, cultural, and linguistic perspectives. They collaborate with others to create engaging environments and experiences to foster children’s learning and development. Educators are lifelong learners. and their understanding of the individual children and families they work with.
We believe in a lifetime of learning by:
- Integrating knowledge from theory and constant research
- Taking time and responsibility for our own learning and make decisions about ways to research combined with experience
- Seeking guidance from Early Intervention, and other professional resource partners when a child is in need of further support
- Supporting local partners in the community that broaden our perspective and accept resources outside of the school
Discovery Preschools embrace a strong sense of respect for the people who use the school and the community that supports us. We believe that it is an integral part of being a good citizen. Making connections between adults and children is the most important connection that we can make with children. This interconnectivity focuses on our emotional and cognitive development providing a successful adult/child social connection.
Both the adult and child need to continuously develop skills that support successful relationships, solving problems, and the adaptation to different social settings. We focus all our actions on self- awareness, self-regulation, being cooperative, and above all to be caring.
What you’ll notice:
- Our teachers are constantly responding to “clues” that the children present to us to communicate how they are feeling
- We interpret why a child may be feeling and responding
- We strive to be face-to-face with them when coaching
- Calm caring voices that are warm and responsive
- We model thoughtfulness and genuine encouragement
- We involve the child in resolving the situation, both positive and corrective instances
- We encourage them to listen in return
- Physical contact as a supportive and loving language; we hold children appropriately eg; by the hand or trunk of the
Discovery Preschools have instilled these principals since 2002. We have been leaders in our community in the support of many educators, and we have studied with and about all the leading experts that these principals are based from. We keep documentation and reviews about how the Program Statement and its respective strategies affect our learning environment.
What you’ll notice:
- Throughout the years, Discovery Preschool has adapted reflective evaluations to support our This will aid us in the delivery of the new regulations for the Program Statement Implementation policy
- All staff will be required to review and sign the Program Statement; committing themselves to curriculum strategies
- We will document and review the impact of the strategies in the Program Statement as an ongoing commitment for the children and their All changes and comments will be kept in our Program Statement Binder and will show a history of all the reflections made. This will be reviewed on an ongoing basis and a yearly statement will be discussed by the Director and Curriculum Consultant and documented accordingly.
Prohibited Practices
In accordance with the CCEYA, the school shall not permit the following;
- corporal punishment of the child;
- physical restraint of the child, such as confining the child to a high chair, car seat, stroller or other device for the purposes of discipline or in lieu of supervision, unless the physical restraint is for the purpose of preventing a child from hurting himself, herself or someone else, and is used only as a last resort and only until the risk of injury is no longer imminent;
- locking the exits of the child care centre or home child care premises for the purpose of confining the child, or confining the child in an area or room without adult supervision, unless such confinement occurs during an emergency and is required as part of the licensee’s emergency management policies and procedures;
- use of harsh or degrading measures or threats or use of derogatory language directed at or used in the presence of a child that would humiliate, shame or frighten the child or undermine his or her self-respect, dignity or self-worth;
- depriving the child of basic needs including food, drink, shelter, sleep, toilet use, clothing or bedding; or
- inflicting any bodily harm on children including making children eat or drink against their
Contraventions to the above regulations will result in Disciplinary measures that will include immediate suspension/dismissal of an employee, or removing a student/volunteer from the school. If the teacher is registered with the College of ECE, reporting these types of incidences are within the responsibility of the Director to do so.
Registration Options and Requirements
The schools offer care between the hours of 7:00 a.m and 6:00 p.m., Monday to Friday and operate 51 weeks of the year, excluding statutory holidays. The schools will observe a 3-day closure between Christmas and New Year (parents will be notified in writing of the closure). Parents are allotted this time as an unpaid holiday schedule that cannot be transferred to any other time in the year. Holiday Camp may be offered if registration permits. Extra costs for this camp apply.
The following Statutory & holidays will be observed by the school: Family Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Civic Holiday, Labour Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day.
Waitlist Option
There is no fee to place your family’s name on our waitlist. The waitlist is administered in a transparent manor and the information is available to prospective parents at anytime.
Preregistration Option
Families may choose to Preregister their child/ren. Preregistration will put your child’s name in our queue for enrolment. A Registration Fee of $75.00 is required at this time and Discovery Preschool will call or email you providing notification that a space is becoming available. If we are unable to enroll your child when the space is required, or a mutually agreed upon date, the Registration Fee will be returned.
Should the family decline the space, they may request that they remain on the preregistration waiting list and hold their priority. A subsequent refusal will result in their names being removed from the list and the Registration Fee will be returned. Parents may be offered a space at any one of our locations to assist in enrollment should the school of choice not be able to accept a space. The Registration will be transferable to all schools.
Security Deposit
A Security Deposit of $300.00 is required when a space is reserved and guaranteed for your family. The deposit is required immediately to secure your child’s space in the program. The Security Deposit is not refundable should your child not attend for any reason. This fee is held in escrow and will be refunded to your family upon termination of the contract.
In order for your child to be registered, please submit the following information:
- Application Form (completed entirely)
- A Copy of your child’s Immunization Schedule
- Parental Consent Form
- Allergy Screening Form (if applicable)
- Privacy Policy/Publicity Permission
- Registration Fee (Payable at time of preregistration)
Fee Policy
Fees are required in advance and postdated cheques for the 1st of each month are collected semi- annually. Each month will fluctuate to reflect the number of days within that month including the Statutory Holidays and Easter Monday.
Parents will be responsible for full payment of absent days, sick leave, statutory holidays and family vacations other than stipulated above.
Cheques returned from the bank are subject to a processing fee of $20.00. Please note that cheques will be deposited on the 1st of each Month, or on the following Monday.
A receipt of full payment will be issued at the end of December for income tax purposes. Your cancelled cheques will serve as interim receipts.
Late Fee Policy
The schools close at 6:00 p.m. A late fee of $1.00 per minute will be charged directly to the parent and is payable immediately to the staff member on duty. The lateness will be recorded in a logbook and repeated occurrences may be cause for your family to be withdrawn from the program. Please respect the closing times of the school and remember that staff are on their own time after 6:00pm. If we have not received notification from the parent(s) of their lateness after the official closing time of the centre, the following procedures will be taken:
- The teacher will attempt to contact parent(s) and all other emergency contacts as given by the parent(s) upon registration between 6:15pm and 6:30pm.
- Children’s Aid will be notified after 6:30pm (1-800-718-3850) and the child will be released into their care.
Withdrawal Policy
Signed, written notice is required for permanent withdrawal one month in advance. If notice is not received, full program fees will be charged. A permanent space cannot be guaranteed if you wish to temporarily withdrawal your child. Therefore, your child’s name will be placed on a waiting list. The Discovery Preschool may terminate services if policies are not followed or fees not paid. Should the Director determine that a child cannot adjust to the program, or the parent has not upheld the contract, the family will be withdrawn and the contract will be terminated.
In order for children to participate in the program they must be healthy. The following Health policies are maintained:
- Parents are required to submit a Medical Information Form prior to the time of the child’s admission that includes immunization and pertinent medical conditions such as allergies and any other medical information
- Your child’s immunization must be up to date
- For the benefit of all, if your child is ill, s/he cannot be admitted in to the centre if they have any communicable illness, or showing signs of fever, persistent diarrhea, vomiting, or respiratory conditions
- When your child is sent home from the centre after experiencing such an illness, the child is required to be excluded from school until they are free from symptoms for no less than 24
Weather permitting, children play outdoors twice each day. If a child is well enough to come to school, it is expected they are well enough to play outdoors.
Discovery Preschool adheres to Public Health Sanitary Practices. Including approved hand washing procedures, daily disinfecting schedules and elevated procedures during “Outbreak Situations”.
If your child is absent from school for whatever reason, especially sickness, please notify the office or your child teacher. It is essential that we monitor the types of illnesses within the centre so that we may make other parents aware of possible exposure to certain communicable diseases and what symptoms to look for in their own child/ren.
Medication that the centre administers MUST have a prescription label on it or be accompanied by a physician’s note:
Be in its original container labeled with the child’s name, name of medication, the dosage, date of purchase, and instructions for storage and administration. It is recommended that you ask the pharmacy to divide the medication between two bottles so that one can remain at the school.
Have a Permission to Administer Medication Form completed with written consent from the parent to administer the medication.
All medications are to be stored in a locked container while at the centre, or to be worn in a fanny pack by the staff at the centre. Do not leave the medication in your child’s bag where it might be located by another child. The school will not administer Tylenol or over the counter medications, unless it is accompanied by a doctor’s note and a written permission form from the parent.
If your child should become ill during the day, s/he will be isolated with a staff member and you will be contacted by phone to make arrangements for them to be taken home as soon as possible. If you cannot be reached, and depending on the severity, your emergency contact will be notified. In Case of Serious Illness/Injury during School Hours, the following procedure will be followed:
- The school will try to contact one or both parents
- If parents cannot be reached, one of the emergency contacts will be notified
- Attempt to contact the child’s physician
Failure to contact any of the above, we will do ANY or ALL of the following:
- Call an ambulance
- Take your child to the hospital in the company of a staff
- Administer reasonable first
Common Communicable Diseases
Common Communicable Diseases and illnesses requiring exclusion of children from child care include, but are not limited to:
Infection/Communicable Disease | Exclusion Time Requirements |
Chickenpox | Child shall be excluded 5 to 7 days or until all sores are dry and crusted |
Diarrhea | Child must be symptom free for 24 hours. Exclusion period may vary depending on the causative organism. |
Whooping Cough | Child may return to the program after completed 5 days of appropriate antibiotic treatment. If untreated, the child may not return until 21 days after onset of cough. |
Measles | Child may return to the program 4 days after the beginning of the rash and when the child is able to participate. |
Mumps | Child may return to the program 5 days after gland swelling begins. |
Rubella | Child may return to the program 4 days after the onset of the rash. |
Hepatitis A | Child shall be excluded from the program for 2 weeks after the onset of symptoms, or 1 week after the onset of jaundice |
Common Cold | No exclusion time, if child feels well enough to participate. |
Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease | No exclusion, if child feels well enough to participate, has no fever and staff are able to care for the child without compromising their ability to care for the health and safety of the other children in the group. |
Head Lice | Child shall be excluded until treated and all nits are removed |
Fifth Disease | No exclusion, if child feels well enough to participate. |
Pinworms & Ringworms | No exclusion, if child feels well enough to participate. |
Scabies | 24 hours from time of the first treatment given. |
Pink Eye | Child shall be excluded until appropriate antibiotic is taken for at least 24 hours. |
Impetigo | Child shall be excluded until appropriate antibiotic is taken for at least 24 hours. |
Common Communicable Diseases (Cont’d)
A doctor’s note must accompany the child’s return if the child has suffered from a contagious or infectious disease or if the child has been absent for more than three consecutive days. It is our policy that ill children be cared for at home. We try to balance the need for parent’s work responsibilities with the child’s need to be excluded from care, however all of the children’s health and wellbeing are our first priority.
Teaching Staff
Each staff member upon being hired by the Company will be required to provide:
- Proof of Registration with the Ontario College of Early Childhood Educators (If applicable)
- A Certificate of training in Standard First Aid and CPR (Infant and Child) (to be renewed every 3 years)
- Proof of a current Criminal Reference Check with Vulnerable Sector Checked every 5 years thereafter- annual offence declaration signed upon
- Current Medical Review with 2 Step TB Testing Staff will sign the following school policies on a yearly basis:
Playground Safety Policy • Anaphylactic Policy • Sanitary Practices/Cleaning and Disinfecting • Fire Safety and Evacuation • Sleep Supervision Policy • Serious Occurrence Policy • Medication Policy • Supervision of Volunteers and Students • Program Statement Implementation Policy • Staff Training and Development Policy • Criminal Reference/Vulnerable Sector Check Policy • Individualized Plans • Parent Concerns • Section Three-Health & Safety (Public Health) • Child Abuse Reporting • Confidentiality • Code of Conduct • Rules of Behavior • Dress Code • Cell Phone Usage • Workplace Violence, Bullying and Sexual Harassment • Conflict Resolution • Progressive Discipline • Inclusion (Child Care and Early Years Act) • Freedom of Information • Accessibility (York Region Video Training) • Provision of Home Food • Waitlist Policy •
The Infant Room requires a ratio of 1 teacher to 3 children. The Toddler Room requires a ratio of 1 teacher to 5 children.
A Preschool Age Grouping requires a ratio of 1 teacher to 8 children.
Professional Supervision of Students and Volunteers Policy
Our schools invite students of local community colleges, high school co-op placements, and sometimes volunteers to participate in onsite work training opportunities.
Volunteers and students will be supervised at all times when working with children. They are not permitted to be alone with a child and cannot be counted in staff-child ratios at any time in accordance with the Child Care and Early Years Act and Discovery Preschool.
Discovery Preschool ensures that all employees are made aware of, and follow the professional protocol for supervising volunteers and student placements while they are present in any child care program within the organization.
Any adult over the age of 18, who is not a paid employee of the organization, will be considered a guest visitor. Guest visitors are not to be counted in regulated staff ratios at any time.
Guest visitors may include, but are not limited to: volunteers, students on training placements, parent of children attending the Centre, or employees of community agencies (ie. Kinark, etc). Each volunteer/student will have a designated Head teacher affiliate to whom they can report to on a daily basis.
Emergency Evacuation Notice
If the centre must be evacuated for any reason during the hours of care, the following procedures will be followed:
- Upon arrival at the emergency evacuation The Supervisor or designate will notify parents/guardians of the emergency situation, evacuation and the location to pick up their children.
- Where possible, the Director will update the child care center’s voicemail box as soon as possible to inform parents/guardians that the child care centre has been The message shall include the details of the evacuation site location and contact information.
Should the matter be of a non-emergency nature, social media may be used such as the school’s Facebook Page.
- Parents may be notified of a debriefing meeting; That may be held at the evacuation site, or at a nearby location to be announced to the parents by email, phone, text and or posted on the school’s website and or
Items to Bring to School
- Diapers and Wipes (if applicable)
- An extra set of clothing
- Proper outdoor The children do go outside each day.
- A soft cozy blanket to sleep We provide a cot sheet that is laundered regularly.
- A picture of your family.
Arrival and Departure
Nut Safe
- Please announce your family’s arrival to the teachers and bring your child into the room so that we can give them a warm welcome and pass on any information regarding the
- Once you have picked up your child at the end of the day, please be advised that your child’s well-being is now your Should your child be injured in the school, we will not be held responsible.
- Our nut safe policy restricts food being brought to the Please see the office when bringing food to the school for means of a birthday celebration or holiday. We ask that children do not bring a breakfast or lunch from Tim Hortons etc. into the school for reasons above.
Activity Permission
We request parent permission for the children to use climbing structures at a nearby park or school as well as participate in neighborhood walks under the supervision of a staff member. Please see our Registration Form for your permission release.
Any excursion that requires special equipment or transportation will be posted in advance and a parent signature will be required for the child to participate.
Parent Approval and Consent of Sleep Arrangements
Parents shall be consulted respecting their child’s sleeping arrangements at the time the child is enrolled and at any other appropriate time, such as at transitions between programs or rooms or upon a parent’s request.
Each child shall be assigned a cot or crib with clean linens. Bed plans shall be posted in each room and updated as required.
Sleep Supervision includes documented monitoring.
Sleep monitoring and supervision is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the Joint Statement of Safe Sleep.
Photography Children are photographed often during projects for the purpose of documentation and curriculum. Your signature acknowledges your permission to use photographs or video footage of your child/ren for the uses indicated above, or to promote our school within the community.
We ask that you apply sunblock before your child arrives to school. A touch up will be performed for the afternoon outdoor period. Sun block will be provided by the school and is applied to all the children. If your child must use a certain type of sunscreen, please provide us with a supply for your child’s use only. Please be sure that it is nut free.
Please label all your child’s possessions and clothing.
Serious Occurrence Notification Form
Child Care operators are required to post a new Serious Occurrence Notification Form in the centre following a Serious Occurrence. Currently when a Serious Occurrence has happened, the operator has the responsibility to report the occurrence and details to the Ministry of Education CCLS Website within 24 hours of the operator deeming it to be so.
Details of the incident will be posted beside our Child Care License in the front hallway of the school for 10 business days. This report will not identify any or the parties involved but give objective details that an occurrence has taken place and the diligence of the school to rectify and prevent another incident from happening. For more information, please ask the Supervisor about our Policy and Procedure Binder.
A serious occurrence is defined under the CCEYA as:
- The death of a child who receives child care at a licensed home premises or child care
- Abuse, neglect or an allegation of abuse or neglect of a child while receiving child care at a home premises or child care
- A life-threatening injury to or a life-threatening illness of a child who receives child care at a home premises or child care
- An incident where a child who is receiving child care at a home or child care centre goes missing or is temporarily
- An unplanned disruption of the normal operations of a home child care premises or child care centre that poses a risk to the health, safety or well-being of children receiving care at a home child care premises or child care
Parent Concerns
Discovery Preschool welcomes the input of Parents/Guardians.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please address them utilizing the following procedure. All concerns are to be taken seriously and addressed in a timely manner.
Nature of Issue/Concern | Steps for Parent / Guardian to Report Issue/Concern: | Steps for Staff / Supervisor in responding to issue/concern: |
Program Room-Related E.g: schedule, sleep arrangements, toilet training, indoor/outdoor program activities, feeding arrangements, etc. | Raise the issue or concern to• the classroom staff directly or the supervisor or licensee. | • Address the issue/concern at the time it is raisedor• arrange for a meeting with the parent/guardian within 1-2 business days.Document the issues/concerns in detail.Documentation should include:• the date and time the issue/concern was received; |
General, Centre- or Operations-RelatedE.g: child care fees, hours of operation, staffing, waiting lists, menus, etc. | Raise the issue or concern to the supervisor | |
Staff-, Supervisor-, and/or Licensee-Related | Raise the issue or concern to• the individual directly or• the supervisor or licensee.All issues or concerns about the conduct of staff, duty parents, etc. that puts a child’s health, safety and well-being at risk should be reported to the supervisor as soon as parents/guardians become aware of the situation. | • the name of the person who received the issue/concern;• the name of the person reporting the issue/concern;• the details of the issue/concern; and• any steps taken to resolve the issue/concern and/or information given to the parent/guardian regarding next steps or referral.Provide contact information for the appropriate person if the person being notified is unable to address the matter. Ensure the investigation of the issue/concern is initiated by the appropriate party within 1- 2 business days or as soon as reasonably possible thereafter. Document reasons for delays in writing.Provide a resolution or outcome to the parent(s)/guardian(s) who raised the issue/concern.Notify Director Allison Barrow to notify her that a concern has been identified and address how the situation was rectified. |
Student- / Volunteer- Related | Raise the issue or concern to• the staff responsible for supervising the volunteer or student or• the supervisor and/or licensee.All issues or concerns about the conduct of students and/or volunteers that puts a child’s health, safety and well-being at risk should be reported to the supervisor as soon as parents/guardians become aware of the situation. |
Code of Behavior
The following expectations are intended as a guide to maintaining the atmosphere at our school as a comfortable, safe learning place.
The staff, child and parent shall be:
- Courteous
- Use acceptable language
- Conduct themselves in a manner that enables one to feel safe from any types of abuse
- Respect the building and equipment, as well as the personal property of all people
Failure to meet the above expectations will result in any of the following:
- Informal meeting
- Contact with parents
- Formal meeting
- Counseling
- Removal from program
Discovery Preschools hold memberships with the Ontario Reggio Association and various professional organizations to support ongoing training and development of our teachers.
Thank you for being part of Discovery Preschools!
Discovery Preschool’s Journey
no way. the hundred is there.
The child is made of one hundred.
The child has
a hundred languages
a hundred hands
a hundred thoughts
a hundred ways of thinking
of playing, of speaking
a hundred always a hundred
ways of listening
of marveling of loving
a hundred joys
for singing and understanding
a hundred worlds
to invent
a hundred worlds
to dream
The child has
a hundred languages
(and a hundred hundred hundred more)
But they steal ninety- nine.
The school and the culture
separate the head from the body
They tell the child:
to think without hands
to do without head
to listen and not to speak
to understand without joy
to love and to marvel
only at Easter and Christmas.
They tell the child: to discover the world already there
and of the hundred
they steal ninety nine.
They tell the child:
that work and play
reality and fantasy
science and imagination
sky and earth
reason and dream
are things
that do not belong together.
And thus they tell the child
that the hundred is not there.
The child
No Way.
The hundred is there.
Loris Malaguzzi Founder of the Reggio Emilia Approach